Go Ye into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature. Mark 16:15


Gary & Kathy Ashley, Puerto Rico
David & McKenzie Ballinger, West Indies
Randy & Rose Barnes, Montana
Shawn & Emily Bateman, Argentina
Clint & Sela Burden, Indonesia
Josh & Sarah Campbell, Quebec, Canada
Sean & Suzanne Canavan, Southeast Asia
Robert & Abigail Cepec, Guyana
Mark & Amy Coffey, South Africa
Richard & Patty Comer, Central America
Doug & Elly Cooper, Truth for Today Baptist Missions
Andrew & Jennifer Day, Ireland
James & Cassie Dean, Siberia
Frank & Japhia Denisi, Philippines
David & Donna Edens, Niger
Tyler & Lydia Ellis, Canada
Eric & Andraea Fair, Greece
Charles & Joan Farley, International Partnership Ministries
Alex & Nicolai Fischenko, Rock of Ages
Josh & Rebecca Florence, Papua New Guinea
Un-Named Missionaries to Southeast Asia
Un-Named Missionary to Egypt
Mark & Katie Gerison, Colombia
Bryan & Tina Girard, Papua, New Britain
Bill & Angela Goins, Calvary Stand Print Ministry
Jeff Gross, Thailand
Jeremy & Rebekah Hall, South Africa
Mike & Martha Hart, Colombia
Devin & Theresa Hargrave, Rock of Ages
Mark & Michelle Harwood, Canada
Edward & Carole Hembree, Romania
Patrick & Leslie Henry, Argentina
Mike & Barbara Hinson, Georgia
David & Susan Hixon, Thailand
Roger & Elizabeth Hopgood, Military
Allen & Dema Johnson, Wings Bearing Precious Seed
Danny & Missy Kessler, Bulgaria
Casey & Sarah Kline, Ukraine
Bob & Jennifer Larson, BIMI Church Planting
Craig & Nita Ledbetter, Ireland
Shannon & Tiffany Lemmon, Bible & Literature Missionary Foundation
Leon & Teresa Lucas, Builder to the Master Builder
Seth & Susana Lundy, Brazil
Cliff & Mary Middlebrooks, Nicaragua
Jerrold & Karen Myers, South Africa
Daniel & Christina Norton, Slovenia
Reese & Stacy Parfitt, Papua, New Guinea
Don & Carla Rich, Peru
Ethan & Beth Shields, Panama
Chase & Vaida Smith, Lithuania
Lamar & Mendi Sosebee, Public School Ministry
Rudy & Cyndie Stembridge, Word for the World
Joshua & Denise Stokes, Spain
Paul & Amber Taube, Nepal
Andrew Tonkin, Iraq
Jim & Kim Van Voltenberg, Scotland
Greg & Linda Waller, Medical Missions
Angie Wheat, Australia

Beams Printing Ministry
Bearing Precious Seed
Calvary Stand Print Ministry
Chattanooga Rescue Mission
Christian Law Association
Good Samaritan Baptist Missions
Lighthouse Children's Homes
Truth for Today Baptist Mission
Word for the World Baptist Missions
Baptist Literature Missionary Foundation