Pastor Chris Peponis 5335 Clemons Road    East Ridge, TN. 37412     Phone: 423-894-8080 The Friend  tha t is  closer tha n a  b ro ther.
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Bible Preaching and Teaching

It is taught in the scriptures, (II Timothy 4:2-4) that in the last days (the days prior to the Second coming of Jesus Christ) that many will not receive true doctrine. Instead, they would have “teachers” who would teach them the things they wanted to hear instead of what the real truth is. They would want to be “politically or religiously” correct instead of “truthfully” correct.

If you went to your doctor with a serious disease or illness and he intentionally failed to point it out what would you do? Of course, you would look for another doctor!

The Bible does not teach that all’s right with the world. Instead, it teaches that we are all sinners in need of both Salvation and God’s divine intervention in our lives. It teaches us that God has provided us with the means to turn our lives around, only through Christ. Preaching and teaching sound doctrine helps us become grounded in these truths.

On the audio page, we have provided some audio messages that were brought at our church. Feel free to download them or listen online.

At Fellowship, we provide Biblical preaching using the King James Bible. We strive to preach and teach the truth of the whole counsel of God in the love of Jesus Christ.

Again, we welcome you to come by for some down to earth,

wholesome, old fashioned, King James Bible based preaching

and teaching!  

The Fundamental Top 500